
Browse/Cart abandonment

Browse-cart abandonment email flow

What is Browse/Cart abandonment?

Customers might view products/services on your platform (website or app) but leave without making the purchase. You can send them emails to remind them about their abandoned cart or the products they were looking at and get them to complete the purchase.

🎯 The goal of this sequence

  • Remind customers about the products they were interested in

  • Show them their abandoned carts to remind them to finish the purchase

  • Provide offers to get people to make a purchase

Recommended emails in this sequence: 3 emails

Optimum flow time: 3 days

Emails in this sequence

Email # 1: Browse/cart abandonment

📩 Why this email

Send browse abandonment emails with the products (investments, credit cards, etc.) they were looking at to remind them in case they have forgotten about them. Encourage them to add it to the cart and make the purchase. If they have left the cart, send an abandoned cart email showing what they have left behind to get them to complete the purchase.

Best practice

Send these emails immediately, within the first hour or day, to ensure you are still on your customer’s mind. Check out our guide to understand more about abandoned cart emails.

Email # 2: Helpful resources

📩 Why this email

If your customers are still hesitating to purchase, they are likely unsure of the product and its benefits/necessity. So, in this email, provide them helpful resources like articles, ebooks, reports, etc., about the product to explain it and its benefits.

Email # 3: Nudge

📩 Why this email

Send them a final nudge to make the purchase. You can also provide offers or discounts as a last resort to get them to make the purchase.

⛔ Sequence exit

Move them to user engagement or upsell/cross-sell series based on the user's actions.

Talk to an email expert. Need help? Schedule an email consultation. Don't worry; it's on the house.

How to use this template in your email marketing stack?

This template is available on the following partner platforms to collaborate with your team

Create these on Mailmodo and start sending campaigns today

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