
Browse Abandonment Email Series for E-commerce and D2C Brands

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Written by:Aquibur Rahman


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Browse abandonment happens when customers view products but leave the page without adding them to the cart. If your e-commerce business faces this problem, this guide is for you.

This guide will discuss the reason behind browse abandonment and effective templates to boost sales.

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Why should you send browse abandonment emails?

If you aim to convert leads into buyers, browse abandonment emails are for you. These emails get triggered when users check out your site but don't complete the purchase.

Your browse abandonment email should contain relevant content to recover a bounced prospect. These emails are more generic than cart abandonment emails and have an open rate of <80.9%. Thus, they help you increase outreach and capitalize on your customer's intent.

Strategy for crafting a browse abandonment email

When deciding what to put into your browse abandonment email, here's what you should keep in mind:

1. Gently nudge your customers

Use specific and relevant visuals to remind your customers of their browsing items.

2. Offer alternatives

If users don't add items to the cart, there's a chance that they were just window shopping. But, you can use this opportunity to encourage users to add items to the cart and checkout.

For example, use cross-sells or up-sell campaigns to offer customers ideas of your offerings.

3. Understand customer interest

Trigger browse abandonment flows when a customer has browsed and abandoned the same products 3-5 times. This means they are interested and can convert.

4. Lookup history

Not every abandoned browsing activity needs to be followed up with an email. For example, if a customer has previously purchased items from your store, avoid pressuring them into another purchase, as that may lead them to the unsubscribe button. Instead, offer promos or offers to persuade them.

Remember your emails should remind and create (a little bit of) urgency to direct your prospects back to your store. Hence,

  • Send emails based on prospect segments.

  • Use data to show what's popular.

  • Add related product recommendations.

  • Include reviews and testimonials.

💡 Bonus tip: Use this browse abandonment email automation flow to send browse abandonment emails at the right time.

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Giveaway: Ready-to-use Browse abandonment email templates

Here are some effective email template you can send:

Browse abandonment email template 1


Browse abandonment email template 2


Browse abandonment email template 3


How to use this browse abandonment email series for your e-commerce & D2C brands

As a part of the lifecycle email template and email series, we will share guides, best practices, and ideas behind implementing this for your e-commerce store. These templates and series are designed to help you achieve the maximum benefits of email marketing with minimum effort.

4 steps to lifecycle marketing for your e-commerce brand:

  1. To access these templates, sign up with Mailmodo.

  2. Customize the template quickly in under 120 seconds.

  3. Add your sender email and domain.

  4. Start sending AMP emails to your consumers and build brand loyalty and higher sales.

If you are a Shopify user, you can use Shopify store integration with Mailmodo to build on this email series.

Browse Abandonment email best practices

Here are some best practices you can follow:

✅ Use personalization

Personalization is a great way to grab users' attention as customers feel emails are created specifically for them. For best results, use specific CTAs, personalize images and email copy using segmentation.

✅ Don't be pushy or sales-y

Browse abandonment emails should be 'light' in nature – not too pushy or sales-y, and not forceful. You aim to draw customers back to your store, not repel them.

✅ Offer contact details in the email

Your browse abandonment emails should contain contact details so your customers can reach out in case of queries.

✅ Offer options and suggestions

The aim of sending a browse abandonment email is to win a lost prospect. So, add related products along with the one users were browsing. It will give them a broader range of options to choose from.

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Browse abandonment emails help e-commerce brands to provide customers reminders, create brand recall and recover potential sales. You can improve the conversion of this series by sending interactive browse abandonment emails with Mailmodo.

About the author

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CEO at Mailmodo

Aquibur is the CEO and co-founder of Mailmodo. He's helped various tech companies set up their email marketing infrastructure. His work has appeared in the Search Engine Journal and Martech Zone.

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