
How to Get ~3X Course Registration with Interactive AMP Email

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Written by:Aquibur Rahman


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Effective email marketing for colleges and universities to boost their course registration is emerging as an increasingly hot trend. Recent stats show that enrolment figures in the USA for the next few years will be around 14.5 million for public colleges and 5.1 million for private colleges.

As every prospective student sends eight college applications on average, having a warm and lucrative course registration marketing strategy in place is essential.

Read how switching from basic email to AMP email can help you get ~3X more conversions.

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What are the pain points in using HTML emails to send course registration emails?

When it comes to sending proactive reach-outs to prospective students, nothing works like a simple email with a registration CTA. It is simple, short, convenient, and highly affordable as a marketing effort. However, they suffer from a number of pain points.

1. Multiple redirects

HTML emails require the students to click the CTA for filling out the registration form on some other webpage. To fill in a simple course registration form, a student might have to go through multiple redirects, which is frustrating and time-consuming. This "redirect" feature eats away at the entire experience and fails to accomplish the ultimate goal of your marketing campaign - course registrations.

2. Juggling with multiple tools

Sending course enrolment campaigns via HTML email means juggling multiple tools. You have to use a survey maker to create engaging and delightful forms and email automation tools to send the emails to all the addresses in your mailing list. So, there is no way to do everything in a single window, which means you need multiple people and multiple software tools to send every single campaign.

2. Lack of standardized views

Different email clients, such as Gmail and Outlook, render HTML and CSS differently. So, the same email looks different on different clients. This makes it challenging to create and design one email that looks perfect on all email clients. As your course registration email appears different on different email clients, the user experience is affected, and it is highly likely for the students to miss out on the CTA. Poor visibility of content directly affects the response rate.

By now, you must have realized that you need to look for some smart email optimization options that can help you offer "engaging and right" functionalities right inside the inbox!

Why should you rethink this process?

Let us take an example,

A high school graduate, Sam, is looking for admission in a medical course. He is aware of a few options and is still unclear about the course he would ultimately choose. Your course registration email appeals to him, and he clicks the link to fill the form. He is redirected to a page where he has to submit his login. Once it is submitted, he is taken to another webpage. Consequently, Sam leaves the form midway, and your emails fail to convert and ultimately impact your course registration.

However, if you offer course registration and other relevant functionalities right inside your email, Sam wouldn't have to go through the misery of redirects, submitting multiple and vague online forms. But, how to do it? And, is it even possible to offer the course enrolment functionalities right inside the email?

The answer is - Mailmodo! It is a powerful and efficient AMP email tool that allows you to offer an interactive experience and website-like functionalities right inside your email while generating a 300% more response rate for your campaigns.

What is the solution that Mailmodo has to offer?

Mailmodo offers a highly smart and efficient email marketing system that is a single-point-of-contact (SPOC) solution that allows you to add interactivity and offer website-like functionalities in the email itself.

So, your course registration form is no longer a standard email with a CTA, but a highly customizable and interactive AMP email that looks like this. Mailmodo's AMP emails perform way better than basic email in the following ways:

1. No confusing redirects

AMP emails offer interactive functionalities right inside the email. So, the students can submit the forms, read the course details and get all the necessary information right there. They don't have to go through multiple redirects and browse through vague scholarship information, campus insights just to reach your enrolment form unless they wish to do so. Hence, they don't leave the forms midway, and your response rates soar!

2. All-in-one campaign functionalities

Mailmodo's AMP email tool comes with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop user interface with a negligible learning curve. So, you can choose from many predesigned templates, customize them using custom branding options, send personalized emails to different mailing lists and offer highly engaging content to your existing students and alumni as well. So, you no longer require separate tools for designing emails and forms.

3. Standardized views

Mailmodo's AMP emails appear the same across all the email clients. So, all your course enrolment emails look the same, irrespective of the mail clients being used by the students or by one student across different devices. So, you can offer a standard view across different devices and email clients.

Furthermore, Mailmodo's AMP email allows you to customize your email marketing campaigns and tailor them to the unique needs of a specific mailing list. Also, you can compare various campaigns and evaluate their success based on data and stats. As you can modify the interactive emails as per the audiences, you have unprecedented control over "what to present" and "to whom".

Related guide A Comprehensive Guide to Interactive Emails in 2022

Given below is the stepwise process to send AMP emails using Mailmodo.

Steps to create interactive course registration forms with Mailmodo

1. Register with Mailmodo

Signing up on Mailmodo.

2. Choose an interactive email template

Once signed in, choose from pre-existing interactive templates.

Mailmodo's template library is extremely rich and features engaging market research templates relevant to a wide range of industries.

3. Customize the template

After choosing an AMP email template, you can customize it with the simple drag-and-drop email editor.

4. Add and customize your AMP form

Next, you have to add your AMP form and customize it to make your course registration form as interactive as you want.

Related guide: How to Use amp-form in Your AMP Emails

5. Send your campaign

Once you're done, you can start sending out your email campaigns.

Wrapping up

Mailmodo equips you with a smart and intuitive tool that allows you to offer a website-like experience inside the emails and leverage it to get more conversions or course registration responses. It bypasses the entire "redirect" system and allows you to offer the right information at the right time.

So, you can offer streamlined and dynamic content and personalize it across the various mailing list segments. Further, you can automate your emails and track and monitor all your email data in one place.

Want to learn more about Mailmodo's AMP email marketing? Please reach out to us or schedule a demo now!

About the author

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CEO at Mailmodo

Aquibur is the CEO and co-founder of Mailmodo. He's helped various tech companies set up their email marketing infrastructure. His work has appeared in the Search Engine Journal and Martech Zone.

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