
How to Use Direct Mail Automation in the Marketing Campaigns

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Written by:Neelabja Adkuloo


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If you compare the postcard you received in your mailbox today with the one your parents received a decade ago, the drastic evolution of direct mail may surprise you. However, due to speed, tracking, and integration challenges, sending an effective direct mail isn't possible. There is no integration of the offline channel with digital or email marketing.

According to the 2022 State of Direct Mail, 67% of marketers say direct mail delivers excellent ROI. To tap into this demand, you have to automate and integrate it.

Although direct mail has been around for centuries, direct mail automation is a new category of SaaS. Wondering which direct mail automation softwares and strategies should you adopt to increase your ROI? Let's dig into the guide to see how automating direct mail can help you improve your response rates and boost your brand impact.

Table of contents

What is direct mail automation?

old and new way of direct mail automation

Direct mail automation includes personalizing postcards, letters, and physical mail using automation tools. These tools customize the pre-press and small-batch printing processes with data triggers. That means you can trace, track, and measure the impact of your direct mail with real-time analytics, insights, and dashboards. You save time and workload and work more efficiently with these metrics.

Consumers who start but don't finish an order, for example, may receive discounts in the mail in addition to digital offers. You could send thank you notes to your customers while providing them a free present if they haven't ordered in a while.

Related guide: 10 Great Marketing Automation Examples for B2B and B2C

Benefits of direct mail automation

You can't ignore the surplus advantages of direct mail automation for your current and prospective customers.

Personalize mails

It's simple to select the template, add customization components, print, and package mail for delivery on the same day if you've pre-configured the creative.

For example, you can deliver a personalized direct mail campaign with discount offers to clients a few days before their birthday. You may set up rules in a marketing automation platform to send information to direct mail printers with each individual's name and special offer.

Reach prospective customers directly

Reach prospective customers directly

It might be tough to contact those at the top of the decision-making chain via email. Direct mail, on the other hand, may reach practically anybody.

According to the United States Postal Service, 98 percent of consumers receive their mail daily, typically sorted by the person in charge of running operations. Almost every customer has a postal address and reads their mail when they have free time.

Suitable for mass mailing

Automated direct mail eliminates the time and expense of the traditional pre-press process. It is suitable for mass mailing, thanks to its simple drag-and-drop functionality. You may automatically send a direct mail to the masses once you've made a strategy.

Easier to scale

You can grow your outreach and membership using marketing automation. Automation is a valuable tool for helping businesses approach prospects at the right time in their buying cycle. You can easily manage data and generate detailed profiles for target audiences.

Related guide: How to Build Customer Journey Maps for Your Users

Re-engage users

You can email your users a pleasant greeting to let them know you miss them if they haven't connected with you in a while. Their inactivity can activate the direct mail piece when you decide the suitable moment. Reaching out to non-active members is a terrific strategy to keep them engaged.

Related guide: Re-engagement Email Series for E-commerce and D2C Brands

What to look for in direct mail automation software?

Here are 4 factors to consider when choosing a direct mail automation software.

Integrated verification of addresses

Addresses that are incomplete, wrong, or improperly formatted can be inconvenient for you and your consumers. Look for software that scrubs your addresses against USPS address databases, kicks out bad addresses, and intelligently routes your mail through a nationwide network of high speed, print & mail partners.

Easy to use templates

Opt for software that has print-ready templates. It makes it simple for your clients to provide appropriately structured designs, eliminating the need for design bandwidth and reducing the possibility of print errors. Drag and drop builders, for example, allow you to create, design, and edit your mail within minutes.

Simple installation and use

Make sure the software is user-friendly and simple to set up. Because every print shop is different, integrating an API into your process will always involve some effort. It shouldn't, however, be a massive task.

Send direct mail to your customers by importing a segmented list from the CRM program you use. You can leverage marketing automation tools and CRM to drive automated print campaigns.

5 best direct mail automation softwares

We tested the 5 best direct mail automation softwares, so you don't have to.

1. Postalytics

Because Postanalytics is synchronized to your CRM, it'll update you on the delivery and response status of each item you send. Additionally, they cross-check all of your addresses against USPS databases before mailing them to your list.

Features: Automated Direct Mail, Mailing Lists, Analytics, Response Tracking

Pros: Keeps track of how well mailings are performing

Cons: Lack of personalization and customization

2. Lob

Lob allows you to create and handle your direct mail initiatives in the same manner that you would an email or other digital marketing campaign.

Features: Automated Triggers, Print Delivery Network, Dashboard and Analytics, Easy API Integration

Pros: API that is straightforward to use; developer documentation is excellent

Cons: Setting up and delivering mail takes longer

3. SaaSMQL

SaasMQL integrates with your existing incoming and outbound funnels to send the appropriate individual the correct message at the right time. Their marketing funnel integrates direct mail into a consistent workflow.

Features: Direct Mail Campaign, ABM Analytics, Demand Generation

Pros: Excellent customer service and support

Cons: Works largely with SaaS startups that have received venture capital funding

4. Postable

Postable allows you to send custom-designed cards with handwriting typeface. You may choose one of their hundreds of templates or create your own.

Features: Card Printing, Customized Cards, Automated Letters

Pros: Website is simple to navigate; 100% recycled cards

Cons: On the more expensive side

5. Cactus Mailing

Cactus Mailing provides 'smart marketing' by coordinating direct mail efforts with other marketing, like Google display and landing sites, to optimize direct mail campaigns.

Features: Direct Mail Brochures and Postcards, Targeted Mailing Lists, Call Tracking

Pros: Has a lot of extra features, such as mailing lists and tracking choices

Cons: Only specializes in brochures and postcards

Strategies for optimizing direct mail automation

Here are 4 strategies to help you build an effective direct mail campaign.

1. Set your direct mail campaign KPIs

To build successful direct mail campaigns, you must first set campaign goals. Goals will keep everyone on the team engaged while also allowing you to track performance correctly. The following are some examples of quality direct mail campaign objectives:

  • Boost outreach response rates

  • Increase the number of sales

  • Book more demos

  • Generate more ROI

2. Establish your direct mail marketing metrics

You can't track open or click rates with direct mail. Instead, you can look at how direct mail campaigns affect other variables. Here are some metrics to track and assess the effectiveness of your direct mails:

  • Response Rate = Responses/Sends

  • Conversion Rate = Number of Customers Generated/Responses

  • Close Rate = Customers Generated/Leads in Pipeline

3. Determine the success of your direct mail campaign

Calculating a direct mail campaign's entire cost and comparing it to the pipeline or income produced might assist steer future initiatives. ROI is a useful indicator for determining how successful your direct mail efforts were. Divide the net profit by the total campaign investment and multiply by 100 to get your direct mail marketing ROI.

4. Tie direct mails to email campaigns

To increase the reach of your message, use direct mail and email marketing. Integrating direct mail and email campaigns allows businesses to promote their core values and strengthen client connections. Mailmodo provides you with the necessary tools to create email marketing campaigns, manage email lists, track email metrics, etc. Book a demo with us to automate your email campaigns.

Wrap up

While direct mail is beneficial throughout the client lifecycle, it's a good idea to start by combining it with digital channels to create extra points of contact. We can help you expand your user base and boost engagement by integrating direct mail automation with effective email marketing campaigns to get actionable results.

What you should do next

Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.

  2. Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Get started for free.

  3. Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge base here and learn about email marketing, marketing strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.

About the author

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Sr. Content Manager at Mailmodo

Neelabja writes about best practices and strategies she’s used throughout her 7-year long career to level-set content marketing expectations and produce high ROI content. You can reach her at for a chat on the latest innovations in email marketing.

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