
8 Best Practices to Build a Facebook Email Address List

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Written by:Aparna Seshadri


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If you’re starting from scratch or experiencing a plateau in email signups, exploring new marketing tactics that effectively reach your customers is crucial.

Lead generation is straightforward with Facebook as it allows you to run targeted campaigns to reach the right audience. This leads to significant growth in your email list.

Follow this guide to understand why and how you can build and grow your Facebook email address list.

What is a Facebook email address list?

In the same way that we collect email addresses and secure permission to send emails to them, we collect Facebook email addresses. We collect email addresses and secure permissions during this process by embedding an intake form inside your page’s sign-up button.

Best practices to build a Facebook Email Address List

It’s essential to tap into the untapped potential of 2.9 billion users on Facebook as you start building an email list to have a direct and personalized communication channel with your subscribers. Here’s a rundown of the ten best practices which will help you build a Facebook email address list in no time :

1. Optimize your Facebook page to collect email addresses

You can expand your reach and build your email list simultaneously by optimizing your Facebook page. To collect email addresses, follow these key recommendations:

  • Your Facebook page is your resume, so make sure to have complete and accurate information. Make the most of all the available sections by adding a profile picture, colorful photo, business description, and category designation.

  • Use a CTA button near the message and like buttons on your Facebook business page to encourage people to sign up.

  • Embed a simple intake form on your page. Ensure a seamless experience for the user as they fill in the info all in one place.

  • To attract and keep followers, update your Facebook page with valuable and engaging content. The show, don’t tell approach will generate curiosity about the product and industry, leading to signup.

  • Respond promptly to your audience’s comments and messageson your Facebook page. Personalized replies show your commitment to the customers, which fosters loyalty.

  • Facebook Messenger offers more opportunities for customer interaction. Use Messenger to communicate with your audience, address inquiries, and provide support.

2. Leverage Facebook ads

With Meta,there are two ways to use Facebook Ads to grow your email list pretty fast.

Firstly, You can run targeted campaigns to send people to your website and target the audience interested in signing up for your email list.

When users click on your ads displayed on Facebook, they will be redirected to the optimized landing page to collect email addresses.

Given the lengthy steps involved, losing potential prospects is possible. They might postpone taking action for later or feel uncomfortable being redirected.

Secondly, you can use Facebook Lead Ads. Facebook lead ads streamline the lengthy process through a single targeted campaign. You can showcase your ads to a highly targeted Facebook audience and have an embedded lead form for the audience to fill without leaving Facebook.

Mailmodo makes it easier to set up transaction campaigns in minimal steps. You can generate leads from Facebook by creating automated triggered AMP email campaigns.

Many Brands follow these best practices to make the best out of Facebook Ads:

  • Continuously monitor the performance of your Facebook ads and make data-driven optimizations. Test different creatives and messaging and alternate between targeting options and CTA buttons.
  • Reengage your customers who were once on your active email list by first analyzing whether your emails land in their spam folder. Then resort to targeting them either through their website/Facebook through your ads/posts.
  • Ensure your Facebook page aligns with the advertising policies and guidelines. Respecting user privacy and adhering to relevant regulations regarding data collection is essential.

3. Use Facebook updates and posts

You can encourage email list subscriptions using Facebook updates and posts, which helps employ various strategies.

  • Ensure your content deeply connects with your intended audience. Through this, you demonstrate the quality and value you add to their emails, thus motivating users to subscribe to your list in exchange for valuable content.

  • Craft posts encouraging user interaction, such as asking questions, running polls, sharing interactive posts/short videos, or requesting testimonials.

  • These posts not only foster engagement but also work to create opportunities for users to provide email addresses when participating.

  • Optimize your Facebook feed to prioritize recent posts, thus facilitating no-miss scenarios related to email list subscriptions and increasing the likelihood of taking action on those posts.

4. Segment and personalize ad campaigns

Through audience targeting, divide your audience into smaller segments based on their interests and demographics.

With Mailmodo, you can use different data types to create segmentation- Static or Dynamic. When you create a static segment, contacts that meet the specified conditions at the time of creation will be included with zero scope for future updates or conditions. When you create a dynamic segment, any user you add after its creation will be automatically added to the segment, provided they meet the following traits.

You can now export these segments as .csv files and create custom audiences.This helps marketers create personalized ads to reach an interested audience.

“To ensure the right people see your content, you need to be very specific about the audience targeting right from when you run ads, and curate posts, among others. But, you need to be sure that you are setting the proper audience parameters such as interests, gender, or location to have a better chance at getting highly qualified prospects as your audience.” -David Janovic of RJ Living

5. Include CTAs or prompts in your post

Every post on your Facebook page must have an ingrained purpose. Because from the audience’s point of view, they need to absorb the value by reading it. This requires you to tailor specific CTAs/prompts in your Facebook posts.

An action prompt could be a phrase, text, or button that prompts them to purchase, book a demo session, download an e-book, read your blog post, etc. This prompts Facebook users to move down the sales funnel. By increasing engagement through CTAs, you can boost customer life time value too.

6.Time your posts according to the demographics of the audience.

Facebook has been inundated with an overwhelming amount of shared content. The sheer volume of content surpasses our capacity to consume it all.

As marketers, you can use scheduling tools or facebook for business known as meta business suites to time our posts tailored to our page’s demographic. As a result, your posts will appear on their feed, increasing engagement.

7. Capitalize on Facebook groups

Facebook groups are a powerful marketing tool, facilitating you to attract new customers and engage current ones with exclusive content. Getting your content in front of your target audience is easy when you find relevant groups.

“Facebook groups make it easy for the brand to find people interested and enthusiastic about your industry and products. Joining them and becoming a key contributor helps build trust in your brand and helps attract people to your Facebook email list, and keeps them super engaged.” Tom Golubovich, Head of Marketing at Ninja Transfers

8. Run a contest

Running a contest is an incredible way to attract people to your list. By running contests, your business will gain leads, and participants will share their positive experiences with others.

Mailmodo offers gamification of emails where you get to embed interactive gamification widgets to your emails, such as Wordle, quizzes, and spin the wheel, among others. You can pick from an array of gamification widgets from our template library.

Contests are a great way to promote your brand and increase involvement. You can use ESPs like Mailmodo that help harness the power of AMP to create a seamless user experience and simplify your email campaigns.


Businesses must look forward to increasing their reach with the Facebook email address list. Discovering customers and making them subscribe to your email list may initially seem daunting. But implementing the right strategies will make this a cakewalk as you enjoy the benefits of having your content and service reach a wider audience.

What you should do next

Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.

  2. Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Get started for free.

  3. Check out our AI prompts library. If you need AI prompts for ChatGPT or Bing, here's a ready-made database we’ve built to help marketers succeed at prompt engineering. Get your AI prompts here.

  4. Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge base here and learn about email marketing, marketing strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.

One can grow their email list from scratch using following techniques: 1.Lead-Gen Ads 2. Posts with good CTAs 3.Contests and giveaways

Yes importing your email to Facebook as a custom audience will help revive my dead list as you would be able to tailor ads and posts according to them which will work in reviving your email list.

Yes, you can target your email list using Facebook Ads. Facebook provides a feature called "Custom Audiences," which allows you to upload your email list to the platform. Once uploaded, Facebook will match your list's email addresses with user accounts. Then you can tailor your ads according to their preferences that urge people to act according to the CTA. This helps grow your email list.

About the author

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Freelance Writer

Aparna is an accomplished email marketing writer with 2 years of hands-on experience. With a keen eye for detail and a strategic approach, she delivers impactful SEO results with her long-form blog content.

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