
23 Newsletter Ideas To Engage Your Subscribers in 2023

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Written by:Nupur Mittal


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Are you washed up and out of ideas on what to write about in your newsletters?

Constantly coming up with new ideas in marketing can be a draining task, and running out of ideas is inevitable at that point. But, don't worry, we've got you covered.

We have curated a list of exciting newsletter ideas that will hook your subscribers. Let's dive in!

Table of contents

23 Engaging newsletter ideas

These newsletter ideas will help you keep your subsscribers engaged and raise their interests without you burning out your creativity fuel.

1. Share product updates and launches

Added a new feature? Updated an existing feature? Or launched a new feature altogether? Tell your subscribers about it in your newsletter. You can summarize different updates encouraging existing customers to try it out to get the most out of your product/services.

Mailmodo sends this well-curated product update newsletter summarizing all the updates made to the product. The images and GIFs add a real-time touch that engages readers.

Customize this product update email

2. Discuss how-to guides

A how-to guide is a classic newsletter idea where you can share strategies or tactics related to your subscribers' pain points. There are two ways to implement this idea:

  • Cover the topic in-depth within the newsletter without any CTA, or

  • Give a summary and redirect users to the main page.

In this example, Mailmodo covers tactics marketers can use to build an email list from scratch. The bullet points are actionable and offer digestible information in no time. We are redirecting users to our blog posts which discuss these tactics in more detail.

How-to guide newsletter by Mailmodo

Related guide: 10 Email Newsletter Best Practices To Follow In 2023

3. Promote upcoming webinar

Since covid-19, webinars have become mainstream and one of the content assets for businesses to get leads and spread brand awareness.

Chances are you are in the same boat. So, if you have a webinar coming up, why not talk about it in your newsletters?

If we have an upcoming webinar, we talk about it first in our biweekly newsletters. This section introduces our guest, a topic we'll cover, all the relevant details, and a registration link.

Promoting upcoming webinar in newsletter by Mailmodo

Check out more webinar email templates

4. Create a roundup newsletter

Roundup newsletters are great for giving an overview of what you did at a specific time.

Some of the things you can include:

  • Blog posts published

  • New products launched

  • Partnership details

  • Webinars conducted

  • Milestones achieved

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This newsletter is usually long and gives readers an overview of what you did in the past week or month. Besides talking about your product and brand, you can also curate information around the web and share it with your subscribers.

At Mailmodo, our roundup newsletter consists of product launches, in-depth guides we published, expert insights, GIFs or tweets we came across, etc. We tend to keep our newsletter fun as well as informative.

Customize this weekly roundup newsletter template

5. Announce your new product launch

Newsletters are great for informing and creating buzz around new product launches before and after the product launch.

Before the launch: You can talk about the forecast you are launching, give a sneak peek and build up the excitement. Here's how we did promote our email flows before the launch.

Product announcement in newsletter by Mailmodo

After the launch: Once your product is live on product hunt, spread the word using your newsletter.

When we launched our State of Email Report 2022 on product hunt, here's how we got more upvotes on product hunt.

Product hunt launch promotion in newsletter by Mailmodo

6. Weekly blog posts roundup

Your content team puts in a lot of effort creating blog posts, so why not showcase them? It will boost traffic and let readers know about your best blog posts.

It will help build authority and brand awareness. Besides, as new subscribers join your email list, expose them to some of your best-performing older blog posts.

Here's an email template by Mailmodo you can customize to create a blog posts roundup for your subscribers.

Customize this weekly blog post roundup newsletter

7. Share your point of view

Share your take or point of view on trending topics, debatable issues, or industry news to put your brand or team as an expert in the field.

It's one of the best ways to show your expertise and build authority among your subscribers.

At Mailmodo, our experts share their unique POV on trending topics and industry news. Here's an example of that.

Point of view newsletter by Mailmodo

Related guide: How to Create and Launch a Paid Newsletter

8. Talk about case studies

Social proof is among the driving forces that can bring more traffic and leads while enforcing credibility.

If you have case studies or customer success stories, share them with your subscribers. Instead of talking about how you are the best email marketing solution in the industry, show them. Use your newsletter's case studies and customer success stories to build trust and creativity.

One of the emails we sent out contains a customer success story where we break down the problem, our approach, and the solution.

Checkout this case study email

9. Cover a topic in-depth

People usually don't link any redirects, no matter how engaging a post seems. In such a scenario, discussing a topic in-depth via Email is a good idea.

But, keep in mind the customer experience as no matter how value-packed your topic is, people won't read it if it doesn't seem readable.

So, focus on the formatting, structure, layout, white spacing, and visuals to make it engaging and readable.

Check out how we demystified this topic in our latest newsletter issue. The formatting, layout, and white spacing come into play to create a better reading experience.

Want more in-depth information on email marketing? Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter.

10. Curate frequently asked questions (FAQs)

You can also use the newsletter to share frequently asked questions. It's a great way to let new customers learn more about your business without hassle. FAQs also help bring more sales as you clear the doubts, and they might become ready to buy.

Talk to your sales and customer support team to get these FAQs.

Here's how Tuft & Needle has created a FAQ newsletter to address their audience.

Frequently asked question in newsletter by Tuft & Needle

11. Share listicles

It lists the top 10 of a particular category like songs, movies, brands, mobile phones, real estate, etc. The best part of the top 10 list is that it applies to any industry and is customized to suit your business.

It can be fun for your audience to read if they are curious about the best choices in a specific category, and they might even save the newsletter to reference later.

Canva shares top templates for different use cases in its newsletter. Each template has its own CTA, and images give it a more appealing look.

Canva's top 10 template listicle newsletter

12. Show behind the scenes

People love stories, and sharing how their favorite product came to life is always interesting. It also helps people connect with your brand and feel special when they access exclusive content showing the inside scoops.

And comfort's email is a perfect example of how to show behind the scene to your subscribers.

Behind the scene in email newsletter by And Craft

13. Curate industry news

This is one of the most popular newsletter ideas many brands use today. Along with sharing the content you created, you can also curate trends and news to keep your subscriber updated about what's happening in the industry.

Here's a caveat to this idea. If you are Starbucks, your customers will not be interested in hearing the news about the cafe industry. So take this newsletter idea with a grain of salt and use it if you feel it applies to your business.

The hustle is among our favorite newsletters sharing juicy news of different industries in a digestible format.

Industry news In newsletter by The Hustle

14. Show how your product works

Some products like clothing, food, and books are omnipresent, and people know how they work or are made. But, products or services like healthcare, softwares, online tools, etc., need an explanation to understand their working mechanism.

If you work in the healthcare, or tech industry, showcasing your product in action is a good idea to engage your subscribers.

Ritual breakdown of their vitamin pills - their components, design, and how it works in this newsletter. This is one of the best product breakdowns I have ever seen.

Product breakdown newsletter by Ritual

15. Show off user-generated content

User-generated content is getting more and more buzz as it makes your brand more credible and authoritative. Don't shy away from sharing good things people are saying about you.

After all, social proof is a solid force for building trust and credibility.

You can send an entire newsletter about UGC or create a small UGC section in your regular newsletters.

I loved this newsletter by Society6 displaying different kinds of UGC using visually appealing images and clear CTA.

User generated content in Society6's newsletter

16. Share your company's story

Tell your company stories to your new subscribers or your new customers.

Stories will help you create a great first impression and let your subscribers connect with you more personally. Keep it real and interesting.

The newsletter by is a beautiful example of how to showcase the company's story and thank all those who joined in the journey.

Company story in newsletter by

17. Create shopping and gift guides

As the holiday season begins, you can start collecting ideas to create shopping guides for your subscribers. People are in shopping spree mode during the holidays, and you can build a strong customer relationship by sharing personalized gift guides.

Based on your industry and target audience, the content in the shopping guide will vary.

Take some inspiration from Bellyroy's shopping guide newsletter. The images, the layout, the typography, everything pulls the readers to read and click on the CTA.

Shopping gift guide by Bellyroy

Related guide: 9 Holiday Email Examples to Inspire Your Next Festive Campaign

Almost every weekly newsletter I receive, I see a referral link towards the end, and it seems like a great way to get more subscribers. Referral seems more encouraging when you tie them up with gifts, and rewards like this newsletter by SEOFOMO has.

The rewards for each referral are given clearly, and a person wearing one of the SOFOMO gifts gives it a much more appealing look.

Referral links in  SEOFOMO newsletter

19. Share job opportunities in your industry

Most newsletters tend to be informative and educational, and people read them. So, if you run a job board or come across great job opportunities, you can share them in your newsletter.

Someone is always looking to start their career or shift to a different field. These opportunities can be a stepping stone for them.

Superpath's newsletter curates all the job listings on their website for their readers.

Job opportunities in weekly newsletter by Superpath

Trends are among the most discussed topics, no matter whether you're in a B2B or B2C. Everyone wants to know what's happening in the industry or what they can expect in the coming time.

Studying the industry activity and curating a list of trends and predictions in your newsletter will get you more eyeballs.

G2 shares digital trends in different fields targeting different people.

Industry trends newsletter by G2

Related guide: 11 Email Design Trends That Will Dominate Email Marketing in 2022

21. Distribute what you've published

Email is an effective distribution channel, and Ross Simmond's newsletter is a great example. He shares a summary of the post published on the website and leads subscribers to read it.

The best part is the way he summarizes this information. The information is so compelling that one can't resist checking it out.

This is something you need to do if you want people to go and read your post. Simply sharing a summary won't matter. Make it compelling and click-worthy.

Blog post distribution in newsletter by Ross Simmonds

Related guide: How to Use Email as a Content Distribution Channel

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22. Give top tips and tricks

You can share insider hacks, tips, and tricks related to your product/services or industry. Such hacks are useful as they make readers feel exclusive. And since this information is unique to your brand, you get to make a great impression on your subscribers.

Busuu shares 5 tips in a crisp manner that is easy to digest, followed by a clear CTA.

Top tips and trick newsletter by Busuu

23. Share weekend recommendations

People look for things to do, watch, or eat as the weekend approaches. Depending on your industry, you can curate a list of recommendations and share it with your subscribers.

In this email, Reelgood shared a list of movies subscribers can watch this weekend. Recommendations are fun as they give readers a repository of information they can look back to when looking for inspiration or educating themselves.

Weekend recommendation newsletter by ReelGood

Way forward

Now that we have covered a few different newsletter ideas, it's up to you to pick and choose which would best suit your email marketing needs. And we hope we were able to spark your creativity and inspire you to create great newsletters for your business. An additional thing you should consider is if your bulk email service provider manages email deliverability and lands your email in the inbox but not in the spam folder.

If you want more inspiration, you can check out our newsletter template library with easy-to-customize HTML and AMP emails.

What you should do next

Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.

  2. Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Get started for free.

  3. Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge here and learn about email marketing, strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.

About the author

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Content Marketing Manager at Mailmodo

Nupur has 2 years of experience in planning, creating, and implementing effective content strategies. She is passionate about email marketing, and SaaS and has written in-depth long-form content ranking on Google's first page. She is most active on LinkedIn and share valuable learnings with her audience.

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