
Why Are Your Sendgrid Deliverability Rates Low and How to Improve It

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Written by:Suryanarayan Pal


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333 billion emails are sent every day worldwide. If you want to have any chance of making it to users' inboxes, you have to do more than avoid spam words in your email subject line.

If you're trying your best but still facing low Sendgrid deliverability rates, look no further. In this guide, we will discuss the likely reasons for your low Sendgrid deliverability rates and how to overcome them.

Table of contents

What is email deliverability rate?

Suppose you send 1000 emails to your audience, but only 900 people receive your emails. In that instance, your email deliverability rate would be 90%. So email deliverability rate is the percentage of emails received by users among the total number of emails sent. If you find the definition confusing, remember this formula.

Email deliverability rate = ( Number of emails received in users’ inboxes / Total number of emails sent ) x 100

Sendgrid deliverability issues

Here are five common reasons for your low Sendgrid deliverability rates.

1. Poor deliverability performance

Having excellent deliverability rates is a two-way street. To achieve this feat, both the email marketer and the ESP have to perform well. We already know you're doing an excellent job. But Sendgrid users have previously complained that Sendgrid wasn't consistently delivering emails. So if this still persists in their systems, it might be the reason for your fluctuating deliverability rates.

2. A low engagement history

Email clients are like matchmakers. If your content doesn't match with what your audience is looking for, they'll cut your communication with them. So this mismatch is obviously expressed by having a low engagement rate. So if you have a history of poor engagement rates, you know why your deliverability rates are low.

3. Poor domain reputation

Email clients use domain reputation as a factor to judge your marketing style. If your send IP has a low deliverability rate, you'll be seen as a spammer. On the other hand, a high domain reputation will present you as a professional email marketer with great email etiquette. So check your domain reputation with tools like Google Postmaster, and if it is marked as low, your low deliverability rates are to be expected.

Related guide: What Is Domain Reputation and How It Affects Email Deliverability

4. Keeping an uncleaned email list

It isn't wise to talk to a wall and expect it to react. But many marketers do something similar by talking to uninterested users even after not getting their response for ages. This will negatively impact your deliverability as email clients will take note of this and start making your emails as spam emails, hurting your email deliverability.

Related guide: How to Use Sunset Policy to Boost Your Email Engagement

5. Not complying with email laws

If you aren't already familiar, there are laws put in place by different countries regarding email communications. A few popular examples include GDPR, PECR, and CASL. The basic motto of these laws is that you've to take prior consent of users before sending them emails. So if you've not followed any rules outlined by these laws, your deliverability will get hurt, and possibly, you may even face legal issues.

How to improve your Sendgrid deliverability rates?

Here are a few simple ways to solve the problems outlined in the above sections.

1. Improve your engagement rates

To improve your engagement rates, you've to send personalized content that'll interest your users. So to achieve that, start off looking at your platform activity data and figure out what each user is interested in and make different segments based on your observation. Then you can use this data to craft and send compelling, personalized emails and see an upward trend in your engagement rates.

Related guide: An Ultimate Guide to Creating Personalized Emails

2. Improve your domain reputation

This is a tough one. Because improving your domain reputation doesn't depend on a single thing. It is affected by many factors such as user engagement, email constructions, and the overall performance of your email campaigns. So to improve your domain reputation and give it a competitive edge, you've to become a responsible marketer and follow the right email practices.

3. Clean your email list

As discussed previously, talking to uninterested users is a waste of time. So to avoid wasting your time and getting in the bad eyes of email clients, start by looking at your ESP and segment users who haven't interacted with your emails for more than a few months. Then with the help of your ESP, bulk unsubscribe these users, and you'll stop your communications with them for good.

Related guide: How to Use Sunset Policy to Boost Your Email Engagement

4. Comply with email laws’ best practices

To be on the safer side of these laws, you've to thoroughly study them and make an action plan to follow all the rules. But to summarize them briefly, here are the common things you've to follow to be safe from email laws.

  • Take permission from your customers by informing them about the commercial emails at the time of signing up.

  • Use double opt-in to make this confirmation even more effective.

  • Provide an unsubscribe link in every you send.

  • Don't break promises and send at different frequencies than what was mentioned earlier in the signup process.

Follow these steps, and you'll be headed in the right direction.

Boost your email deliverability rates with Mailmodo

Here are the amazing benefits you get when you switch to Mailmodo.

✅ Expert consultation for deliverability

If you're an email marketer beginner, we will guide you through the process of email deliverability and will show you the right way to do it. Or, if you're a seasoned email marketer trying to troubleshoot an issue, we also got you covered. No matter your experience level, when you become part of the Mailmodo family, our goal will be to help you succeed in your email marketing journey.

✅ Help with domain warmup

Sending 10,000 emails with your new domain isn't a good idea because that's what spammers do. So to avoid representing yourself as a spammer, you've to warm up your domain before using it for commercial purposes. But it can be tricky to do right, especially when you haven't done it before. But you don't have to worry and can rely on our experts who help and guide your domain warm-up process to make it a hassle-free experience.

✅ We don’t tolerate spammers

We work super hard to provide industry-standard features to our customers. But if we observe any users using these features for spamming consistently, we won't tolerate such actions and will remove them from our platforms. We only want genuine marketers like yourself to use our platform.

✅ Abundant resources on email deliverability

There is tremendous information available on email deliverability to the point where it has become difficult to sort the good from the bad ones. The good news is that we have built abundant resources you can consume in a properly organized manner. Check out our hub of email marketing resources to access them for free.

✅ Our customer success team is always here to help

Don't hesitate to shoot an email at with your doubts about email deliverability, AMP emails, email marketing, etc. And we’ll get back to you in no time. Our customer success team takes pride in its excellent guidance skills.


It can feel devastating not to have the great deliverability rates you deserve. But don't be discouraged and follow the outlined steps in this guide and use an all-in-one ESP, Mailmodo, to achieve deliverability rates you never thought were possible.

Want to know what else you can do to improve your Sendgrid deliverability? Then you must check out our guide on email deliverability tips that’ll share everything you need to know about it including the fundamentals, challenges, testing methods, best practices, and more.

What you should do next

Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.

  2. Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Get started for free.

  3. Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge base here and learn about email marketing, marketing strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.

About the author

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Growth Marketer at Mailmodo

Suryanarayan has seven years of experience in email marketing for B2B, SaaS, and e-commerce industries. He specializes in email deliverability and project management.

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