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Mastering Email Deliverability: Unlocking Secrets to Avoid the Spam Folder

Here are the key takeaways from Lauren's amazing presentation-

What causes deliverability issues?

  • IP reputation, domain reputation, authentication, content, blocklisting status etc.
  • Scraped lists (get permission instead)
  • Sending from unrecognized IP addresses

What mailbox providers recommend

  • Opt-in email / welcome email to confirm subscriptions
  • Use references to build a connection
  • Unsubscribe button is super important
  • Set up authentication
  • Follow Mailbox guidelines eg.: Yahoo Sender Hub, Google Postmaster

How mailbox providers optimize for recipient engagement

  • Positive Interactions: Opens, CTR, Replies
  • Negative interactions: Spam complaints, unsubscribes, total lack of positive engagement

How to avoid the spam folder

  • Send emails that will help your user’s business
  • Send to people who want to hear from you
  • Authenticate your emails
  • Make your emails interactive
  • Choose quality over quantity
  • Monitor, test, iterate, repeat
  • Protect sign up forms with a CAPTCHA to keep bots out
  • Have a sunset policy

When to seek help

  • Adding/changing IPs or Migrating to a new provider
  • Getting blocklisted repeatedly
  • You’re not sure if you’re hitting the inbox

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Ready to start with Mailmodo?

Drive conversions with interactive

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